(PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)
= false
= false
= null
= null
The number of child elements.
First child element or null
Last child element or null
The next sibling element or null
The previous sibling element or null
Not implemented yet, always return null
The element name
A string representing the classes of the element separated by spaces
The element ID
版本 | 说明 |
8.0.0 | The firstElementChild, lastElementChild, childElementCount, previousElementSibling, and nextElementSibling properties have been added. |
8.0.0 | DOMElement implements DOMParentNode and DOMChildNode now. |
此 DOM 扩展采用 UTF-8 编码。使用 mb_convert_encoding()、UConverter::transcode() 或 iconv() 来处理其它编码。