
下列常量作为 PHP 核心的一部分总是可用的。

MT_RAND_MT19937 (int)
Indicates that the correct » Mt19937 (Mersenne Twister) implementation will be used by the algorithm, when creating a Random\Engine\Mt19937 instance using Random\Engine\Mt19937::__construct() or seeding the global Mersenne Twister with mt_srand().
Indicates that an incorrect Mersenne Twister implementation will be used by the algorithm, when creating a Random\Engine\Mt19937 instance using Random\Engine\Mt19937::__construct() or seeding the global Mersenne Twister with mt_srand(). The incorrect implementation is available for backwards compatibility with mt_srand() prior to PHP 7.1.0.

本特性已自 PHP 8.3.0 起废弃。强烈建议不要使用本特性。